Welcome to Starfleet Command!

In 2379, Earth is a paradise -- utopia at its finest and the seat of all things Federation governance. But paradise didn't happen by itself: throughout the ages, the Federation has leaned on Starfleet -- its psuedo-military arm -- to keep paradise safe and ensure the continued expansion of the Federation's knowledge and territories.

Starfleet Command is headquartered in San Fransico, CA, and plays host to all of the various departments needed to keep Starfleet running and relevant. From Starfleet Academy to the inner halls of Strategic Command, the SFC Complex provides a beautiful place for the brilliant minds at work to efficiently collaborate and relax when things get overwhelming.

Admirals, journalists, ambassadors, and cadets alike often take time to enjoy the green grounds of the Presidio. With the stunning Golden Gate Bridge in the background, the SFC Complex is a comfortable home for those who lend their efforts to the safety and security of the Federation.

But not everyone enjoys paradise. Dark forces work behind the scenes to destabilize the Federation's defense force, forcing Earth's denizens to acknowledge that the galaxy at large is a cold and dangerous place. After a failed coup led by Admiral Leyton during the Dominion War, Starfleet also remains ever vigilant for those who would cause harm in its name from within.

Whether you wish to embody a high-ranking Admiral, a diplomat with decades of experience, or even a bumbling barista in a local coffee house, this sim offers the ability to play an incredible variety of roles. If you've ever wondered what happens on Earth while all those starships are flitting about the galaxy, now is your chance to step up and find out!

Join us on our Discord server to say hello and discuss your character concept! You can also use the Join link to begin your application.

Welcome to Starfleet Command.

Latest Mission Posts

» I Will Not Fail

Mission: Episode 3: Conflicts of Interest
Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2025 @ 9:30pm by S'Ranya & Undersecretary D'Darra

[Directly Following 'Not My First Choice']

The building that housed the offices of the Romulan Department of the Galactic Relations loomed over the bustling cityscape of the Romulan capital, casting long shadows as the twin suns began to set. The structure exuded authority, its dark granite walls adorned with intricate…

» All the Situations

Mission: Episode 3: Conflicts of Interest
Posted on Sat Dec 9th, 2023 @ 7:44am by Fleet Admiral Sturnack & Rear Admiral Joshua Whitford & Admiral Leo Lyman & Commodore Rob Seaborn

[Deputy Chief of Staff's Office]
[SFC Complex]
[MD 8: 0845 Hours]

Rob Seaborn was rustling around his new office. He just couldn't get it to the way he wanted. At this point, files, papers, PADDs, and books were all over the place. He kept tripping over everything. At once, he…

» Raptor's Flight

Mission: Episode 3: Conflicts of Interest
Posted on Thu Nov 16th, 2023 @ 9:05pm by S'Ranya

[Bridge, Romulan Warbird Grindore]
[A Few Days Ago...]

Sub Commander Paltek stood from his command seat and peered around his bridge."Status." He called from his elevated perch. His eyes now trained on the forward viewer. The image displayed Romulus below them, the day barely starting. It was a breathtaking sight…

» Not My First Choice

Mission: Episode 3: Conflicts of Interest
Posted on Thu Nov 16th, 2023 @ 9:02pm by S'Ranya & Praetrix Donatra

[Romulan Hall of State]
[A Few Days Ago...]

The Romulan sun was barely over the horizon when S'Ranya stepped out of her vehicle, having arrived at the Hall of State ahead of her meeting with the Praetor. It wasn't everyday that one was summoned by the seated leader of the…

» Show Me Yours

Mission: Episode 3: Conflicts of Interest
Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 9:17pm by Captain Jocelyn Blake & Fleet Admiral Sturnack

The first thing Jocelyn noticed when she and Sturnack materialized at the public access transporter was color. A brilliant rainbow was painted on the wall across from the pad and the idea that her extremely Vulcan lover stepped off a pad to be greeted by a rainbow everyday struck her…

Latest Personal Logs

» Starfleet's Xenophobia Problem

Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 4:33am by Captain Jocelyn Blake

Starfleet’s Xenophobia Problem
By: Harris Zhao, Federation News Network

NEW YORK CITY: In the wake of the recent bombing on the newly opened Romulan embassy in San Francisco, Earth and the rest of the Federation await news from Starfleet. The deadly attack killed as many as 25 attendees, and injured…

» The Woman Behind the Podium

Posted on Mon Feb 22nd, 2021 @ 9:46pm by Captain Jocelyn Blake

The Woman Behind the Podium
Who is Jocelyn Blake really?

By: Kuda
RIGEL COLONIES (RNC) – “I decided that Captain Blake was deserving of such an opportunity to prove herself.” Fleet Admiral Sturnack, in a surprise move, took the podium at yesterday afternoon’s Starfleet Command press briefing to answer the…

» Blake appointed Press Secretary -- Starfleet advisors raise alarm

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2021 @ 12:47am by Captain Jocelyn Blake

The Galactic Dredge
Shining a Light on the Interstellar Underbelly

Blake appointed Press Secretary -- Starfleet advisors raise alarm
By: Reesa Muckraker

Disgraced journalist Jocelyn Blake, best known for her expose of the fictitious coup purported to have been enacted by Admiral Leyton in 2372, has had a recent turn…

» Press Release - April 10, 2373 - Attempted Coup within the United Federation of Planets

Posted on Mon Jan 4th, 2021 @ 4:09pm by Captain Jocelyn Blake


April 10, 2373
Office of Public Relations
Starfleet Academy
By: Lieutenant Commander Jocelyn Blake

On November 8, 2372, former Vice Admiral James Leyton, in an unprecedented overreach of Starfleet’s powers, was prevented from completing a military takeover of Earth, the machinations of which he had set in…