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Posted on Wed Mar 2nd, 2022 @ 11:28pm by Rear Admiral Mori Aikawa & Fleet Admiral Sturnack

Mission: Episode 2: 18th and Constitution
Location: Starfleet Command - HQ
Timeline: Mission Day 26 at 0900

[Starfleet Command Headquarters]
[MD 26, 0900 Hours]

Aikawa had to admit - it was unnerving having to treat San Francisco like an unsecure location. It was even more unnerving just trying to catch up on the news as she returned from her temporary investigation. An investigation that had been called short by an urgent reassignment: she was taking on her boss' old position. A message that even now, Aikawa found herself doubting. She hadn't much expected the position for another few years, and had half expected not to get it.

The Japanese woman patiently waited through the security screening, and then headed to a room she was told had a secure connection with the secure location the CinC was operating from, guarded securely by security. And she felt there was a great tongue twister there if she could just work it out. However, she let none of the amusement reach her face as she walked in.

As she walked in, she activated the panel to signify she was there, and the comm begun to connect. With all that was going on, she rather felt this could be a trial by fire.

"Greetings," came a voice from the comm. It was Fleet Admiral Sturnack. The Vulcan -- despite not being at Starfleet Command -- was dressed crisply in his Starfleet uniform. What appeared to be a wall made of stacked logs -- laid laterally and built vertically -- was visible behind him. No other indicators that might clue someone into the source of the transmission were visible and the comm connection itself was relayed through about a dozen dummy locations to keep the Fleet Admiral and Captain Blake securely hidden away. "Thank you for meeting with me, Admiral Mori. Congratulations on your assignment to be my new Chief of Staff," Sturnack commented.

"Thank you, Fleet Admiral." Aikawa saluted briefly. "I'm glad you and Captain Blake are unharmed. As for the meeting.. well, I have to admit I wasn't quite expecting this job so soon."

"Understandable. The recent bombing has done much to shake up Starfleet Command. Many are tackling unexpected new tasks," the Vulcan noted in response. And it was true: with several high-ranking members of SFC killed or severely injured in the blast, there were a lot of new faces temporarily filling in until long term replacements could be found. Others who hadn't been injured but were present at the Romulan Embassy had decided that it was finally time to retire, leading to yet more appointments. Such was the case with Sturnack's former Chief of Staff, an Efrosian named Lillivander who'd served Fleet Admiral McGarry long before Sturnack took office. It'd made sense to keep the man around but, with his recent retirement, the search for a replacement had become a vital need.

"Have you begun settling into your new office? I regret that I am away," Sturnack continued, "on your first day. However, Commander Marlena aide-de-camp," he clarified, "can assist you in getting settled and started. She's managing a lot right now with me gone but I believe she would be...happy," he mused, "to help in whatever way she can. And of course, you and I will be speaking multiple times a day, I am sure. Given your new role, you've just become the hub between the office of the CinC and every other department, all vying for time and resources to accomplish their tasks and goals. While unexpected," Sturnack leaned back in his chair, "can we assume you are up to this new challenge?"

Aikawa nodded firmly. "I've worked since I had to retire from commanding a ship to helping the Admiralty. I am happy to have the challenge. And.. as soon as I can get a room set up, I'll start seeing if I can get things lined up.. although with the turmoil, it might take longer than I'd like."

"Rear Admiral Whitford is particularly good at knocking down walls tape," Sturnack used a human aphorism. "If you require assistance in getting certain processes moving, you can rely on the Deputy Commander in Chief to assist you in wrangling the different departments. At least in the short term, while you work to establish and assert control. Many departments are coming to the CinC's office right now and we've been without someone to coordinate their actions. I am confident, given your record, that you will be able to do so."

Aikawa nodded. "I will talk to him shortly. I think the biggest issue will be getting things into a priority stack and making sure everyone knows they're being listened to.." She muses, then nods her head firmly. "I will get started immediately, sir."

"A challenge, indeed," the Vulcan dipped his head. "Take some time to dip into the work, Admiral. Commander Glen -- my aide-de-camp," Sturnack clarified, "will be happy to coordinate my time with you as needed. Was there anything else for the moment, Admiral?" he asked, beginning to draw the call to a close.

"No, sir. I'll start working now, after getting up to speed on current ongoing projects." Aikawa stood more to attention. "Thank you, sir."

"You are quite welcome, Admiral, Sturnack nodded on screen. "We will check in again soon. Thank you," he offered before his image disappeared, replaced with the logo of Starfleet Command before the screen went dark.

=/\= A joint post by... =/\=

Rear Admiral Mori Aikawa
Chief of Staff
Starfleet Command


Fleet Admiral Sturnack
Starfleet Command


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