Ashex Oo

Name Ashex Oo

Position Administrative Aides

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Catullan
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 125Lbs
Hair Color Lilac
Eye Color Bright Blue
Physical Description Ashex is a tall, thin Catullan woman. Her lilac hair is kept short, and usually styled quite simply. She carries herself with confidence and poise.

She enjoys wearing clothes from various different cultures, but does favour Earth fashions.


Father Jenva
Mother Vishex

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ashex is a bubbly person. She loves working with people.
Ambitions Ashex has no desire to hold an office for herself, but would like to continue supporting those in elected positions.
Hobbies & Interests Outside of her work Ashex is a keen collector of vintage clothing and shoes. As well, she enjoys reading and holonovels.

Personal History Ashex was born on the Ninetieth Day of Vorsathon in J'ev City on Catulla, to parents Jenva and Vishex. Her upbringing was mostly traditional. She was an only child and spent many days watching her parents work in their dress shop both designing clothes and mending garments. During this time she was taught the importance of helping people, her parents would often make clothing to donate to those less fortunate.

When she was still quite young, her parents had their marriage dissolved. This time became tumultuous for the young girl. With the bad blood pooling between her parent's, Ashex watched as the dress shop where she found comfort was fought over and eventually sold. Ashex stayed with her mother, the two moved to an apartment in the city center. Ashex, filled with sadness following her parent’s separation, threw herself into school and excelled. Her grades were good and she exceeded her community support requirement that is the staple of Catullan schooling.

When she was old enough, she applied to the J'ev Centre for Higher Learning to study Interpersonal Relations and Languages. After her acceptance she studied for several years and became involved in charity work through a mentor in her program. She spent much of her time consumed with the children’s charity, so much so that when she completed her formal education she was offered a coordinator position with the charity. She gratefully accepted and moved into her role with gusto. In her work she met children who were orphaned and from broken homes which led them to the streets. Their stories touched Ashex, and she reached out to local officials to get support for them.

Her work got her noticed by a Federation diplomat who offered her a spot on his staff. She graciously accepted and left Catulla. She would work with the Ambassador for a number of years before being recruited by the Federation Government to work in the Press sector.
Starfleet or Civil Service Record Childen's Charity, Catulla- Outreach Coordinator

Ambassador Griggs- Outreach Coordinator

Office of the Executive- Junior Press Liaison