
Name Osree Totner

Position Bar Proprietor

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 1.7m
Weight 57 kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Osree has an athletic build and carries herself confidently. She relies on her symbiote’s past experiences to help get her through anything.


Spouse None (as Osree)
Children None (as Osree)
Father Jurvam
Mother Gora
Brother(s) Diswan, Leoj and Mikken
Sister(s) Koray and Erris
Other Family Various aunts, uncles and cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Even before Osree became a bartender, she was known for her outgoing personality. This was slightly diminished for a time after she received her cranial implants, but once she adjusted to the implants and their effect on her personality, Osree bounced back to become her gregarious old self.
Strengths & Weaknesses S - kind, caring soul/ W - bad temper when provoke
Ambitions just to tend bar and help folks with their problems
Hobbies & Interests SCUBA diving, rock climbing and enjoying life

Personal History Osree was born on Trill in 2345 and demonstrated an aptitude for languages from an early age. She was chosen for the symbiote program the same week that she got her Academy acceptance letter. She sought and was granted a stay from the symbiote program long enough to finish her course of studies in subspace radio theory and xenolinguistics at the Academy. True to her word, Osree was joined to the Totner symbiote in 2367, shortly after she graduated. She was commissioned as an Ensign and had several uneventful tours of duty as a Communications Officer. She was eventually promoted to Lieutenant; during her tour of duty aboard the USS Kilimanjaro, she was on an Away Team when she sustained life-threatening injuries. Due to the nature of the injuries and the impact they might have on the Totner symbiont, Osree received cybernetic cranial implants. Her life and the Totner symbiont’s life were saved thanks to the work of the Medical Department of the Kilimanjaro. However, the implants would spell the end of her Communications career, as they were not compatible with any of Starfleet’s communications systems.

As a result, Osree was medically retired from Starfleet. She took some time off and traveled, becoming a certified dive instructor and generally enjoying life away from Starfleet. After several years of a vagabond-like life, Osree made her way to Starbase 114 and became a bartender (likely on a dare). She then set out, again, traveling from outpost to starbase. Everywhere she stopped, she found work as a bartender. It’s rumored that she came to Starfleet Command because she won the bar in a bet (or a dare, depending on which version of her story you hear).
Starfleet or Civil Service Record 2367 - commissioned as Ensign upon graduation from Starfleet Academy
2367 - joined to Totner symbiote

2368-2369: Communications Officer aboard USS Challenger
2369: Promoted to Lieutenant (JG) and reassigned to USS Chekov
2370 - 2372: Communications Officer USS Chekov
2373: Promoted to Lieutenant and reassigned to USS Kilimanjaro
2374: Sustained major cranial injury during Away Team mission to Epsilon Tetra IV
2374- 2375: Assigned to Starfleet Medical Battalion for recovery from injuries

2375 to present: held various positions in civil service (mainly as a bartender or bar manager)